If a user's strategy calls for buying penny stocks, you may want to monitor someone else (you can examine their tendencies by visiting their transactionsUrl).
Remeber to take in mind, however, that some marketwatch games have a minimum price. Use this lineup to decide whose trades you wish to copy. The max score is 1000, assuming they rank #1 in all aspects. This is the final score for a user, taking into account all rankings. If you open the file in excel (any text interpreter works, but won't always look as nice), look at the column labeled "mmScore". After all, it is accessing multiple pages for each user in order to scrape data crucial to the ranking process. This entire scanning process should take a little over 30 minutes, provided that you have decent internet access. csv files, each ranked differently, but with the final file (players.csv) showing you our preffered top 50 players.
You can begin scanning marketwatch games by using: Not including the few thousand every time you scan the top 100+ games. Assuming no one buys/sells anything, you'll be making easily over 2,000 page calls a day. you will most likely be making tens of thousands of page visits.
You may want to install it anyway just to be safe. conda install numpy note: I don't remember why I recommended installing this.
download make-money, and navigate inside its directory ( cd ~/Downloads/make-money or whatever it is). You should have python installed (and its package manager, "pip"). A few more self-designed ranking algorithms are employed here, including building a point system weighted in four categories: two sections dedicated to performance and prudence, and two sections dedicated to player activity and consistency. From here, it gets more difficult– though, arguably more fun as well. Of these users, about 500 are actively making trades. Of these users, about 1000 have decent returns. By scanning the top 150 most populated games, we can find a pool of around 3000 users. How does it work? We scrape the most populated games on marketwatch, and store basic information about users– starting with their overall percent returns. The thought is that if we find the most successful players within 's 30,000 public games, we can examine their strategies to construct a fool-proof portfolio. What, did you expect us to use this to build wells in Africa? Maybe in another project.Īnways, what is the purpose of this project? "Follow the Leader" is a bit of a thought experiment wherein investing is examined through the looking-glass of game theory. Greetings, and welcome to the lastest installment of Robert and James's journey to employ technology for personal monetary gain.